Originally Posted by jcramsey
I've currently got a 250 w/ the stock three speed. Goes down the highway @ 65 good....although it's digging pretty hard. I need to get a tach so I can tell what I rpm's I'm turning. I snagged two borg warner ODs waiting to be rebuilt so I'm hoping that will get me down into a little better rpm range. Everyone I've talked to that have run them say I won't regret using it.
65 would be more than fast enough for me. Saw a borg warner OD that was rebuilt on ebay last week and it sold for $1500. Any thoughts on whether this was a good price? My little 235 needs some help to be able to get onto a highway without serious damage. Reading various blogs about the BG bolted onto the 235 seems to indicate I should be able to easily do 65-70, but I am not sure that people post when it does not work the way they wanted.