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Old 04-06-2014, 10:37 PM   #19
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Smile Re: Grinds in 1st, but only after leaving it in neutral for a bit

Originally Posted by trevarthan View Post
Yes. Actually, I just taught my partner to drive the truck, and she found out real quick that it still sticks if you shift too quickly. Then, just to add insult to injury, I got it stuck myself coming back from Autozone just now. I'd love to figure out how to fix that problem for good. It's pretty damn annoying.
To avoid the hangup you are describing, when going from 1st to 2nd, move shift-lever a tad further "towards reverse" before letting it down to move on into 2nd. IE, accentuate the "H" pattern during 1-2 shift. After all, an "H" pattern is what it was designed for; but over time we tried to 'shorten' it into a more triangular shift--causing excessive wear on a wrong part:the gear-selector lug.

Also, to cure original problem you mentioned, you can shift into 2nd OR 3rd before going to 1st--either eliminates the grinding when finally going into 1st gear. Sometimes(and JUST sometimes), adjusting the clutch will help.
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