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Old 04-06-2014, 10:46 PM   #4
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Smile Re: TH400 Leak problem. Please Help.

Originally Posted by cwilkie View Post
I was finally able to get my TH400 to stop leaking. It was the speedo housing o-ring and speedo gear drive seal. Well I replaced those and it stopped leaking. Great... So I thought.

After a few miles with a smile on my face I noticed my speedometer making a winding noise. I removed the speedo cable from the dash and the noise was still there but not too bad.

I thought it was the speedo so I grabbed a known working speedo from my stash and it still made the noise but not as loud. Next I removed the Speedo cable from the truck and removed the cable to clean and grease it. When I reinstalled it the noise was still there but not as bad.

I am leaning towards the speedo gear housing being the problem but visually the housing and gear look fine. It seals so no leaks.

Has anyone had a similar problem like this before.

I want to get this issue resolved because my 17 year old nephew has been asking me all winter to let him use my truck for his prom. Well I agreed and his prom is this coming Saturday.
Try another cleaning-and-greasing. Sometimes heavier(or lighter) grease than that designed for it will work better. Is cable long enough to try a slight re-route? Try using nylon tie straps to shorten/reposition the sharper bends. HTH,
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