It might fit in a late model Yukon/Tahoe console... or custom build one. You would also have to lengthen the harness. You could probably hide it under the battery tray. Depends on the harness and who you get to build it. I have a 96 LT1 that I will eventually put into my 71. I still need to find somone local to rebuild it...
There is a fairly wide space between the two bucket seats I have and I want to mount a shifter from a 94 camaro in it as well. I needs to be taller then a car console and I want to put a cd or tv in it. When it get warm I will try my hand at fiberglassing one in. I would also like to make a waterfall between the seats and move the gas tank to the back frame.
Rich 1972 K5 Blazer CST Click HERE