Nothin much going on lately. I replaced the o-ring on my vacuum modulator on the TH400 and it leaks just as much as it did before... Installed a trailer light harness, some LED rock lights, cleaned up a bunch of wiring with grommets and proper loom.
More on the lights
Of course we had to go test them out. Met up with a couple of guys from > RPOZR2: 10 years of production. A lifetime obsession
Gertrude approves
The lights stayed relatively clean
It's official now. I didn't really pay for custom plates this time though. This is the old front plate off the CrAzYbLaZe.
I am still thoroughly impressed at how well this thing cruises down the highway. I partially fixed my vapor locking issue by bailing wire a stacked set of license plates to the frame between where the exhaust and the metal fuel line get within ~3", it only shut off on me twice while off-road this time. On road is still not a problem because it gets enough airflow.