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Old 04-08-2014, 03:51 PM   #11
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Join Date: Jan 2014
Location: Swedesburg, Iowa
Posts: 17
Re: 1954 Chevy 3100 5 window S-10 Swap

I have been working on this since November, and I just started the thread last Friday, April 4, 2014. I didn't get much done over the winter because the building I have it in isn't insulated or heated and our winter didn't want to quit. But now that spring has somewhat gotten here, I have been able to get back at it.
This past weekend I was able to get the cab and box separated from the original '54 frame. I also was able to get the S-10 frame pulled out of the weeds and into the shop.

I didn't take a picture of the box, but it came off as well. I guess I now have a frame that eventually I will have for sale, so message me if anyone is looking for a 1954 frame. I have the torque tube with the frame and the rear end and leaf springs are sitting behind a building at my parents place.

Here is the S-10 frame, a 1982 regular cab long box. I have very few donor parts because the original owner wanted everything off the frame. Not ideal, but he also gave me the frame for free w/ title, so it wasn't that bad of a deal. That is the 4x4 rear end from a 1999 S-10 Blazer with disc brakes sitting on top of the frame. It was also a freebie from a friend at a body shop.

my build thread:
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