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Old 04-08-2014, 11:23 PM   #8
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Re: Cali smog & title problems!

Originally Posted by K5owner View Post
Irish is right. However if the vehicle is sold as a "parts truck " or for parts only the seller is not responsible for it failing smog because technically they didn't sell you a vehicle they sold you parts.
Absolutely. Need to hear back from OP what the deal is.
If it was non-op as well, you're kinda holding the bag on that as well however if it was sold as a reg'd, driving truck and didn't pass smog that is on the seller.
I see these ads where guys put "won't pass smog you deal with it"...and they are just hanging themselves.
My current truck, I ask seller does it have current smog? He says no but he'll do it tomorrow.
I call him next day and if it passed? Oh for sure it did!
I pay and ask for smog papers. Oh...smog printer broke but it passed! You can take it by there.
Turns out it didn't pass smog. I could have nailed him for it but let it slide as he was just another broke a$$ desert dweller.

CA smog laws aren't bad either. It is checked at vehicle model yr. '87 is checked at '87 levels. If in tune it will pass. It ain't hard...
You just need need to know how to beat them at their own game.
It's clowns that figure they can stuff a '72 BBC into a '87 K10 and get away with it. Or it was a diesel and now gas and you NEVER have to do smog again.
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