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Old 04-09-2014, 05:01 PM   #44
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Re: 290 HP 350 anyone used before?

No pissing off here. I just know that you can do a decent swap for 4-5K and thats to include swapping in the newer transmission as well.
Plenty of swaps concerning Chevy II's/Novas which CANT be that much more different than these trucks.

Bottom line, if youre already fine with spending the 3K on an engine, Id be inclined to go ahead and get the LS swap going. You cant argue the efficiency of the newer technology or even the power output.
LM7s are all over the place and its simply a matter of having the money to purchase at the right time.
I do however still have the 260hp version 350 in my pickup I inherited simply because it doesnt leak, runs on garbage gas, and hasnt caused any issues.
Now that I mention it, it probably will and I will then LS swap
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