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Old 04-09-2014, 05:18 PM   #45
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Re: 290 HP 350 anyone used before?

That is exactly what I said in post 38 when the $3000 figure was mentioned. I said it would take " If not then you are going to need a few grand more to get it done." $4500-$5500 is where most builds fall into depending on what is available in your area and how creative you are. I will say this about the Goodwrench engines, If you put on a powerjection or FAST kit on these 260 HP engine it makes them a whole different animal and uses all your old accessories, mounts, trans, etc. You literally install like bolting on a new carb and running a small harness. It makes for a fun, good running engine with the benefit of EFI without the cost of an LS swap.
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