Connecting the emergency brake to the new axle required some creative jury-rigging. The e-brake cable housing on the older C20 has a bolt type flange to connect to the backing plate whereas the AAM axle uses a circular spring clip which inserts into a hole in the backing plate. I ended up removing the spring clip end of the late model cable housing with a cutoff wheel and grafting it to a new C20 cable housing using JB weld and a short section of heater hose. Then I was able to use the late model cable insert and spring, cut it to the proper length and crimp on a new ferrule.

Model year 2000 C3500 e-brake cable file photo

Cut the late model e-brake cable to length and crimped new ferrule to terminate

1972 C20 cable housing and clip end from 2000 cable housing joined with JB weld and heater hose

Final assembly of axle in truck complete – panhard adjusted for proper rear alignment

Ready for wheel spacers and tires

Rear brake adjustment and bleeding complete – ready to hit the road!