Re: How rare is 292 with air
Of all accessories available for the 292, the air conditioning hands down is the most rare. I have owned several 292's, and have enjoyed the high torque and rugged dependability of these beefy inline sixes. That said, I have found and used an original power steering bracket, the rare and short lived 1970's era 2 piece hei distributor, and the less rare and even less sought after oil bath cleaner setup.
That said, I have yet to have come across an original, factory a/c setup for a 292. And thats with over ten years of dedicated searching. I would say that less than 5% of all 292's that came off the line, pre 1980, had a/c. Would love to come across one, they are really the rarest of the rare for all inline sixes, especially 292's.
Are you teasing us? Do you happen do have one yourself?