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Old 04-11-2014, 10:15 AM   #5
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Re: What made you pick an AD 47-54

As funny as it sounds many years ago I came close to buying a 46-48 Ford coupe. The plans were to bag it because I loved the way the fat fenders looked tucking the rim and setting the body close to the ground. Then I saw a 47-54 truck lowered and the grill and front fenders looked very simular to the look of the Ford coupes. I have always been a truck man so it made perfect sense to build the truck. I liked the boidy style so much I decided a Suburban was next.

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1948 Chevy Truck - Finished SOLD!!

1953 Chevy Suburban "Family Truckster" Completed: Spring of 2021

1994 4x4 Blazer - "Field Find"
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