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Old 04-11-2014, 11:40 PM   #34
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Re: Why Won't My 454 Harmonic Balancer Fit?

SUCCESS!!! I finally got the harmonic balancer on and the bolt tight! It fought me the whole way but after heating the HB in the oven and using the proper install tool it went on a lot easier. Since the crankshaft threads were a little stripped I had to start the bolt, tap the bolt head to the upper right, tight it about a 1/4" turn, tap it again and turn 1/4", tap again and 1'4" turn this went on for a quarter of the bolt threads until it finally felt right and tightened all the way! The HB bolt is a 1/2-20 bolt thread so there is 20 threads per inch of shaft so you can imagine how much of a pain in the A-- it was, lol! But no leaks and all is good! Thank you everyone for the awesome advice!!!
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