Hope no one minds me joining in. I've always been a tent camper, done several miles of the AT and hiked/ice climbed a lot in Alaska while I was lucky enough to live there. Always had GM trucks to get me out there too

Most weren't 4x4 though, until a couple years ago I couldn't swing for much more than a 2WD longbed... they always got me in and out though!
I found some pics from camping with my first 72 before it was stolen. This had to have been around 2006ish and was up near Raven Cliffs and Unicoi Gap in North Georgia.
Parking by the campsite, found a cool little pad right downstream from a waterfall.
Riding around on forestry roads after setting up
Here is Camping/hiking in Alaska around 2011, my second full time year up there. Drove out the Denali Highway and saw an amazing part of the world!

Crossing the Susitna River

Got a moose on that trip!
My last camping trip in Alaska, didn't know it was or I would have made it longer but hopefully I'll get to visit again. Went from my place in Healy, AK down through Anchorage and over to Copper Center, McCarthy, and Valdez. An epic trip I will always remember! The daily routine, drive 5-6 hours and find a nice place to set up camp!

Always want to keep warm...

Might have overpacked a bit but my retired parents were with me, still can't believe I suckered them in to tent camping!

The views speak for themselves...

Never a real trip in AK without a wildlife sighting!

Hopefully as my son gets older I'll be able to update with pics of us camping!