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Old 04-14-2014, 07:56 PM   #9
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Re: New metal 4x4 upper radiator pipe pics

Originally Posted by BLT gmc View Post
74baggedbug- Keep me in mind, I actually have not built any other than the one I needed. After I had a lot of people asking to see the mandrel bends and the hose beads, I thought about helping others out if there is enough interest.

BKSS67- The SS is about 60-70 % more expensive. The pipe costs more, it is harder to bend-bead-weld, harder on the equipment. The modifications I made are- I increased the distance between the two bends closest to the engine by 1.5 inches, I shortened the longest straight part by ~1 inch, and finally the end connected to the thermostat housing is more parallel to the pipe itself, less rotated I guess. Yes, I can make one identical to the original- I am in the process of securing a know original pipe to copy.

jmader- I think these are 69-72 p/u and blazer, but I am not an expert.

sboris/ 530FF- Aluminized pipe if I decide to make them may be $100-125 shipped. ? too much ? I have to start with two pipes because the mandrel bender clamps will only work on one pipe if the bends are >4 inches apart. 3 mandrel bends. 2 hose beads. Pipes have to be trimmed a the ends- resulting in some waste- again because the clamps have to have a minimum length of pipe to grab. And finally jigged up and TIG welded. Feed back is appreciated Thank you, Bruce

I completely understand what all goes into these. They look top notch. I had in my head I was willing to go around $75. So, I'm out for now. Probably worth that for what goes in them, but just where I'm at.. Thanks for posting and offering these up though.
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