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Old 04-15-2014, 04:37 PM   #1
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Ignition grounding problems

I am having trouble getting my '70 to engage the starter. When I turn they key I get nothing unless I go through the gears from Park to 1st gear. After that it starts just fine. What on earth is causing this? It is very annoying. How is the ground connected through the column shifter?

Another separate problem I'm having is that the shift rod under the hood is constantly becoming disconnected (over behind the brake booster). It usually pops out when I'm in reverse and then I have to hook it up again. Luckily this has happened at home every time but one day it's gonna pop out on me someplace else. Has anyone ever machined a couple of cotter pins to keep this thing from disconnecting? No matter how much I tighten it down, it will pop out again in a week or two. It is a PITA to reach because it requires me to stand on something to reach it properly.
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