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Old 01-02-2004, 09:55 PM   #13
"Ochre Ogre"
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Mine has the 3/4 in the radiator and the 5/8 on the water pump.
1972Blazer, this would not be the most efficient way to supply hot water to the heatercore. The waterpump's job is to pull cooler water from the radiator and pump it through the engine. What you are doing is taking some of that cooler water and using it to supply your heatercore. That would be the slowest way posible to warm up the interior of a truck. I have never seen the hot line(5/8) come from anywhere other than the intake manifold. On Chevy's it has been nearest the thermostat. Your intake probably has a plug screwed in next to the thermostat. That is where your heater hose should go.
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