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Old 01-03-2004, 12:40 AM   #1
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Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: somerset,kentucky,usa
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dumbest move of the day

Mayor of Stupidville here...I am trying to put power brakes on a manual truck. Found a set-up on a junked truck in a farmer's field about 3 hours from home. Took it all apart and went to Autozone for replacement booster since the other had been sitting in a field for 2+ years with no hood or anything over it. Get it home and now I don't know where the two support brackets that mount to it go on the firewall (one is round and fairly straight and the other is flatter and has sort of an "s" bend to it). The truck I am putting it on has no marks or anything to tell me where they should line up. I could try hit or miss, but would rather beg some of you guys for input. Does anyone happen to have a pic or something of the booster set-up mounted to a truck or the whole thing just lying on the ground or anything? I know, I know--next time take pix or at least have my five year old do a crayon drawing or something before I completely destroy something. Thanks in advance and if you ever pass through Stupidville just look me up.
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