...So I turned to the best source of Chevy Truck info I know of... "Here"
I noticed today that my Holley 700,(not the duel pumper), has a leaking accelerator pump, the rest of the carb is in great shape & I keep it well tuned, adjusted, and very clean. I just don't think I need to rebuild the whole carb.
Can anyone here possibly find me a part number to order just the accelerator pump rebuild kit? ..or advise me on a good place to find one myself?
(..and no, I don't want the deep diaphragm kit, simply the stock replacement.)
"Dammit Super Shops! Where the heck are ya when I need ya?!" (I sooooo miss the "CA Drag Days of Summer")
Many thanks in advance..
P.S. For those not happy with their 350-4bolt main oil pressure... a 50HD oil pump will give ya about 110psi-cold idle, & 85psi-warm idle... but you better have set the front & back gaskets in your Edelbrock intake manifold real good or the pressures will spit them out & make a big oil mess all over your 'pretty-painted engine & trans'... *sigh*