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Old 04-22-2014, 01:25 AM   #3385
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Re: What Did You Do With Your Truck Today ?

Put a gallon of MEK in the old gas tank on Saturday afternoon to soak & try to get rid of the 3" of black nastyness in the bottom.

Drained it out today and hit the inside of the tank with a pressure washer. Followed that with some alcohol to dry it out.
Looks like it all came out!

Inside looks pretty decent. A little bit of surface rust- but overall not bad for an original tank- I think i'm gonna try and run it.

Going to wirebrush some spots on the outside and bottom then hit it with rustoleum and re-install.

Tank will eventually get replaced with an under the bed unit- but for now I just wanted to get it clean enough to run the truck and get it on the road again.
Ben R.
1953 Chevy 3100
Classic Seat Restorations -Preventing me from working on my own projects since 2009!

Last edited by Rambow; 04-22-2014 at 01:32 AM.
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