No more broken door pull strap covers!! Made my own (Updated with pricing)
Got tired of the cheap plastic pull strap covers breaking and got some new ones made! Machined out of Aluminum so they are never gonna break! What do you guys think?
Ok guys, here is where i am. A complete set of 4 would be $135 plus shipping, but i would need to get a pretty healthy list of committed buyers(probably 20 for me to be able to absorb the remaining cost risk). Thats pretty much me breaking even on making these things. Its a pretty substantial up front investment given the quantity i am having to order to get that price but i wanted to make them as affordable as possible.
I will say this though. These things are awesome and they will be the last set you ever buy for your truck. They fit great and wont be popping off everytime you shut the door. No more broken prongs to deal with or fear of using the door strap. They really are a high quality piece and in my mind a good long term investment. I have had my truck now for 3 years and have gone through 3 sets already. Got to the point on my dads 87 that we just didnt replace them and were left looking at ugly bolts and brackets.
Open to any and all feedback here guys, good or bad. Let me know what you guys think!!!! If there is good interest, i will start a thread in the for sale section to try and get this rolling.
I went ahead a paid a lot more for my four because i know i want them. LOL
Last edited by UATahoe; 04-25-2014 at 09:38 AM.