Re: Markeb01 Build Thread
I’m there with you every time I time I read about a father/son or father/daughter project. My dad was talented and smart, but he also had a malignant personality. I learned a lot from him, and not all of it good. On the other hand I had dad figures like Joe next door, and Eddie down the street. Beyond teaching mechanical and logic skills, both took the time to explain things to me like I was an adult, instead of the 10 year old kid I really was. That left a lasting impression.
I remember an incident with my youngest son when he was about 3 or 4. He came out in the garage and held up a broken cap gun when I was right in the middle of an engine rebuild. My first thought was to yell at him for interrupting, but instead I wiped off my hands, fixed the gun, and he was off playing in just a couple of minutes. Many years later I still get comments from my daughters and wife about my ability to interrupt anything I’m doing to respond to their personal needs, important or not. Whatever I’m working on gets done eventually anyway, but taking the time out when it really counts can build those memories that linger for a lifetime in the next generation.