Originally Posted by solidaxel
What is the difference in pumps lengths?
About 1/4" maybe 3/8" at the most (the Camaro pump being the shorter of the two). The angle of the picture makes it look like more than it is.
Originally Posted by solidaxel
Does the 2010 Camaro pump need the dirty dingo spacers?
No, the Gen 5 Camaros have VVT. So, the water pumps are spaced out pretty far to clear the timing cover. The belt spacing is the same as the Gen III/IV truck engines.
Originally Posted by solidaxel
I see the tensioner is that all that is needed?
Yes. The thermostat and water neck comes with the pump. There is money to be saved by buying an LS1 'vette tensioner. They're about $40 cheaper than the Camaro one and it will bolt right up.