Re: First square. 1980 GMC
Well.. I got the carb rebuilt and back on. decided to try to fire it up.. it didnt go well. But not because of the carb, I don't think it even got to do anything.
The truck cranks really really slow if more than just a second of trying, but a few times it tried for quite a while.
Do I need more battery? I didn't know what I needed so i just had a guy look me one up at advanced auto parts and have that.
Maybe the starter is bad? or just some bad wiring?
Then I tried a bit more just before I was about to give up for the night and smelled burning rubber and smoke starting to come out of the hood so I popped the hood and the little black wire coming off of the bigger cable for the negative side had melted and has completely exposed wire..
and the positive has some ghetto rigged cable into it, circled in the pic.. It runs to the firewall and fastens under a bolt. Can't get any better pics cause it is dark, but I think the green wire must be connected otherwise it won't try to start. I drew a red box around it, it's barely visible though