Hey Guys!
Next month is going to be 10 years since I joined this forum! Over that time, I've made some truly great friends even though I've never met any of you in person. (Hope to do so in the future) I've learned a ton about these trucks, but most importantly, I've found what really fulfills me; my passion. More about that in a bit. First I just want to give thanks to everybody who supports this forum. Without it, I would be in a very different place in my life. May sound sappy, but true!
Through building my truck, I've found myself searching for custom parts that are made by human hands, not mass-produced. I really love the creative and personal touch that a craftsman can give the parts they make. I feel proud to put parts like that on my truck.
I've been working the past few months on creating a line of parts that embody the above characteristics. I'm calling the brand Relicate. I came up with that name by combining "Relic" and "Create." I define Relicate as "passionately creating a work of art linked to the past."
The first part I'm starting off with are round exterior mirror housings. These are going to be handcrafted in small batches by sand casting. It's important to me, and hopefully you, that the processes that I use to create these parts are time-honored, processes that the factory might have used when these trucks were built.
Below are three different mirrors I've designed. I would love to get your feedback. Which ones are you guys liking most? If you want to see a few more renderings with different angles, check out my website at
I can't begin to describe how excited I am to start this endeavor. I've been waiting to share this with you all for a long time! Let me know what you think!
Thank you!