Thread: Had to share !
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Old 04-27-2014, 05:04 PM   #1
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Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Indian Trail, N.C,
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Had to share !

Forgive me. but I had to share this with the board. Just finished the install of my new (Jeg's) 260 h.p. Crate motor and 200R4 O/D Transmission all new including copper/brass radiator, Skip White HEI, Edelbrock intake and tranny cooler. Did reuse the Holley Street Avenger, flexplate, exhaust system, mini-starter, and Serpentine set-up (Thanks, Tom.) Runs sweet, drives like stink and the O/D is a gas. Loved being able to pace the traffic on the freeway (75-80 m.p.h.) Will finish break-in and switch to Castrol Synthetic. Best thing, sold the take-out 350 /400 to help re-coup some $$$. It ain't as upscale as some, but it's my D/D and I can't wait to put on the road tomorrow!
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Eat it all up, Wear it out,
Use the last few drops,
Spend all you've got,
Late in life, you'll think of the things you didn't do, not the things you did. - Get out and experience life !
Robbie Robinson a.k.a. TobyArnot (Toe Bee or not toe bee)
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