Thread: New Exhaust
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Old 01-04-2004, 02:33 AM   #1
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New Exhaust

Today I took the 68 down to the muffler shop to see what kind of shape the pipes and mufflers were in. Lets just say this. Rip it all out and start all over. Put the headers on it then went all new from there down. In the passenger side there was what looked like a gash 8-9 inches long, driver side muffler was toast, and the passenger side exhaust manifold had a hole in it. They put on enforcer 2s on there with 2 1/4 pipe. Has a nice basey tone to it. Ahh the fun of driving with no exhaust leaks

RIP to my son Dylan. 5/17/2002 - 8/18/2018
If you want to know more about rare forms of pediatric cancer or if you want to help fund pediatric cancer research, please check out the website for the non-profit I started.

68 build thread
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