I'll tell you, but I wouldn't recommend it. It destroys the ride, and torques everything out of place. My bumpstops hit the axle all the time. Take out the middle leaf. The longest one connects to the frame, the shortest stops over extension and the next shortest holds them all in line. The middle one, second from the top, is the strongest I believe. I bought my truck with it removed and with the front springs compressed (by heating I think). I added the leaf back and it raised the truck at least a good three inches. Again, I would not recommend this practise. I would just buy a flip kit. But each to his own.
This pic was as it stood with the leaf out.
2009 Silverado 2wd, 121k as of 04APR13. I love my truck 29 days out of the month. The payment is due on the 30th...
Do your duty in all things. You cannot do more, you should never wish to do less. - Robert E. Lee
" Never give up ground you've already taken." - Unknown