Originally Posted by y5mgisi
First make sure it actually has fuel in the tank.
Do you know if it has a mechanical fuel pump? If so, I would remove the fuel line at the carb, and crank it over a few revolutions. Fuel should come spraying out of that fuel line in a pulsing manor and with a decent amount of vigor. If not, Its likely the fuel pump itself. To test that, you will need to get some fuel line/hose, and put one end on the pump, and the other in a container of gas. Now crank it over again. Within a few revolutions, fuel should come out. If not, fuel pump is bad. If fuel DOES come out while the fuel pump is sucking from a gas can/jug, then the problem is either the fuel tank selector valve, plugged fuel lines, or cracked/damaged lines in the tank.
Thank you! I'm not sure if the fuel pump is mechanical but I'll try to look up how to tell and check it out. If it is then I'll do the steps you've said.
Thanks again! Sounds simple enough to follow, really appreciate it.