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Old 05-02-2014, 09:48 AM   #18
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Re: Magnaflow XL mufflers - yay or nay?

That carb used to run sweet. Motor also had a point dist with Mallory electronic conversion. Choke was never hooked up and cold or hot motor started before I could let go of key and it shut right down. I got an HEI dist awhile back and it never ran as well. Then I let my step father do his "by ear" carb adjustment and I could never get it dialed in even with timing light. Now it cranks too long to start …diesels...dies at stop sign and hard start when its warm. That’s when I rebuilt the carb. Even with these issues the old exhaust seamed to have more low end than these XL mufflers with the 3 chambers. The other magnaflow muffler ($40 more ea) is straight through like my old ones? Seems I have too many variables to narrow it down without spendy trial and errors.
I have 4:11 gears with a Super T-10.
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