Originally Posted by mcbassin
Love the video  ! Dang that looks like fun!
Thanks! It has turned out to be a pretty fun truck so far.
So, I'm going to do some open ended thinking here. Looking for some of your opinions.
I stated from the beginning that I want this to be a "do it all" truck. As it gets more reliable, I want to start doing more fun stuff with it. Living in Kansas, they have a lot of local state fair type mud bogs/races. I checked into one the other day and the class I would fall into is 37" super stock (if I remember correctly) and I would need a 6 point roll cage and driveshaft loops to pass inspection.
I always think about projects long before I start them, so here is the first step.
I don't want to destroy the somewhat classic look of the truck, but interior cages are a PITA sometimes. It always seemed to get in the way when I had the blazer. I want to try to get the best of both worlds on this build.
So here is my rough draft. Basically it will look like a headache rack but structural. The front blue tubes will go from the headache rack into the cab and through the floor where they will attach to the rock sliders. Of course there will be a dash bar, roof bar, and more triangulation but my paint skills are limited.
Orange = exposed/visible
Blue = inside truck/not visible
So it would end up looking kind of like this:
If I did it like this, I could even do it in stages adding the inner cab cage later. But I wouldn't get my melon smashed if I took it to the dunes this summer since I would have some protection.
To play devil's advocate against myself though, if I did the external headache rack idea then I wouldn't have anything to mount my seats or harnesses to and I would end up running tube through the inside of the truck anyways.
So it would end up looking like this: (thanks 70ShortWide for the ideas, I stole your pics)
So after this big argument with myself, I think I'm just going to have to build an inner cage with two exterior down tubes and an X brace...