Thread: 61K10 build
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Old 05-04-2014, 01:24 PM   #154
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Re: 61K10 build

1963-c10--could not go wrong for the price. on e-bay there are a bunch of rad's from $150 to 350 and they look the same, and yes from china. some want to make a couple of bill's profit i guess, so beware if buying.

Jason-Randy--it's staying alum. had to get a new top hose as my old one was 1 3/4 and the new rad is 1 1/2". got everything mounted up and looks good.

I had a small drip on the floor, can you believe a soft/freeze plug (should of knocked them all out and put in brass) we will see if the south of the boarder iron will rust up lol.
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1961 chevy K10

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