Little update:
The '83 that was located here in GA sold earlier last week before I had a chance to look at it in person. No biggie though, because it was pretty rough after I finally saw pictures of it. It was a good candiate for a drivetrain donor.
The '80 model that started this whole thread ended up being a bust. Alan (Alan'sClassic) and I drove 250 miles roundtrip Sunday morning to go look at it. The truck had a few issues that were understandable i.e leaks, little rust, etc.. but the longer we looked at it the more issues we found. The main issue why I walked away was due to the rear axle tube having some bubble gum looking weld on it where it goes into the passenger side of the differential. The weld was a big as my thumb and looked like what I call a "California weld" (i.e. cluster of grapes).

Also, the upper shock mount stud on that same side was sheared off smooth flush with the face of the mount. The upper part of the shock was actually being held in place with a bungee cord. I can only imagine what caused that much damage to a GM 14 bolt rear end. And according to the owner he was not aware of the axle issue.
I was ok with a little rust and a few leaks, but a rear axle swap was not in my plans, so I walked. We never even heard the truck run.
I was a little dissapointed but I was kinda expecting the worst already, so it wasn't that bad of a let down.
All is all we had a good road trip and the search for a clean K30 continues....