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Old 01-05-2004, 03:02 AM   #4
Slammed '87
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just my input.... i have lowered many 73-87's by removing a few leafs and never had any problems EVER! I find this softens up the ride and you can still carry a decent load! Mind you trucks vary as do their suspension wear. My current daily driver had a few broken leafs, and i wanted to lower it a little, so to kill two birds with one stone, i removed the broken leafs, and also got a 4" drop. I learned all i know bout lowering this route by trial and error. If you find that you don't like the ride after removing a few leafs, you can always reinstall them, and go the flip kit route.
If you can't rock the roads with your bumpers 1/2" off the ground, you're nowhere near low enough!
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