Thread: Zane's Ride
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Old 05-08-2014, 12:59 PM   #212
A.T. RockDriller
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Re: Zane's Ride


I'm sure you've all been busy doin the break-up happy-dance.
I've been tied up for a few days on special projects.......Our spring-time is certainly glorious down here, but more than any other earthly event, I miss watching and hearing (and feeling) the ice going out up there in your parts..
We used to hike back to the bluffs of the Copper from the house and stand there with our mouths agape for hours. Words fall feebly short (at least my words) of describing the breathtaking violence that drives back the silence of winters deep freeze, clearing those rivers for the summer runs. Pieces of ice three feet thick and a half an acre in size weighing in at thousands of tons flipping and bouncing, snapping and popping and riding up and over each other....coursing and thundering towards the Delta........ and finally salt water.

Most folks could never even imagine those things that make up a day in your lives.....just any old regular day. To see Gods work first hand real time, is an absolute miracle.
That would be what's referred to as "Creation by Destruction".
I sure got side tracked.

Hope all's well with you and yours. Looking forward to the next update.
Les Hunter
'59 3803 someday to be 3853
'63 GMC K1000...351E, TH400 Daily
'66 GMC 4000...351C, 5&2
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