Re: Introduction
This is the truck I affectionately call Tetanus. Its got some body issues and slight rust but nothing that would condemn it. Almost all the plastic light fixtures are cracked and need replacing and I'm missing almost all the emblems.
The second picture is of the dash. Almost all the gauges work perfectly, with the exception of the temperature gauge and the battery gauge (battery line should be fixed soon). The speedo bounces between 20 and 30mph but stays steady at all other speeds.
The bed is completely worthless right now. I have 1" plywood put into the bed so I can haul some stuff around...but wouldnt push my luck too far putting heavy stuff in it.
As you can see from the interior the bench seat is pretty worn. I bought a cheap seat cover to keep the seat from tearing more. Getting a new seat is pretty low on the list of priorities right now.
The last picture is of the high quality permanent marker job the previous owners did to the "CHEVROLET" on the back. From a distance it just looks faded and old...but when you get close you can see how obvious the marker job is. I've only gotten a few quotes for a sand/paint job and dont have $2500 right now to get it the marker job stays for now :-/
Hope you guys like the pictures, lemme know if you have any questions!