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Old 05-10-2014, 01:56 PM   #232
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Re: 66 SBFS street truck

I had a chance to pull the hulk into the shop recently and we have been using the stereo to listen to in the shop and have determined the following....a 8 step guide to stereo 101

How to check to see if your stereo is tuned and operating correctly.

1) Place truck in the shop
2)Open truck doors
3) Select music you like that is sub driven
4)Close shop doors
5) Crank stereo to max
6) Watch the case of the oil fall off the shelf and splatter all over the floor
7) Stand around in a group looking at the puddle of oil and be impressed
8) lol ....
1966 Pro street build[
1958 LS 2 build
1966 SBFS low and go
1966 SBFS street HULK

Poject Low and go gets a 6.2 ltr LSA supercharged with 6 speed automatic

Aluinum Radiator Dealer pm for details
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