Thread: C- Notch Istall
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Old 05-10-2014, 04:32 PM   #14
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Re: C- Notch Istall

Well, after grinding and drilling and cutting and fitting, I finally got the driver side notch in. what an experience... And I get to do it all again for the passenger side, But for now I'm calling it a day. After the notches, the 5 lug conversion is next. I ordered from summit, the shipping was free, but they sent me the wrong kit. I had to return it prepaid shipping by summit, they where great about it. I just have to wait a little longer, until they come in. FYI If you order the 6 to 5 lug conversion from summit, they only show this part number CLP-6569RACK for a variety of years and not the part number for my year witch is 1970. That part number was CLP-70RACK, witch is no where on their site. the difference between the two is the 6569 # axle lengths are 30'' and the 70# are 30 and 3/4''. Mine was the latter. The first shipment was the shorter length. Anyway, will post some more as I go along.. Thanks everyone for all you help..

Here's what I accomplished in two days.......Some more cleaning on the frame and I'll be good to go......
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