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Old 05-11-2014, 07:50 PM   #8
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Re: Kind of urgent: Oil pan/timing cover/gasket compatibility???

That is exactly what i had thought, but i'm guessing at some point maybe they made timing covers aftermarket to use the thin seal on a thick pan or something?

I haven't heard back yet (he knew i was tied up all weekend) but he should have a plain, $9 summit timing cover in his hand to test with both gaskets and oil pans. The one on my engine looked original from design and pointer and the way the lip on the bottom was welded all the way across and not spot welded, but i did witness it with my own eyes that the pan we measured took a thick gasket and wouldn't sit.

I'll post back, i'm sure he'll call tomorrow and let me know what combination worked.
Project "i'm just going to clean up the interior and the engine bay":
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