Thread: Another newbie
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Old 01-05-2004, 09:40 PM   #29
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Location: Grand Junction, Colorado
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Cold as -hit. Damn windshield onthe K5 has ice on the inside home with the heater full bore and the ice on the inside is still there...

The guy at the port lives a block or so away from me and we chat from time to time...good guy.

Whats leakin on the N14 Select Plus? We are $78 an hour down here in junction...but i'm not sure if our old fart cummins man Dean does anything on the side cheaper...if he does i'm sure he wouldn't touch it in this Accessory drive leakin? Gettin ready to spit the bushing? Left front of engine with big triple pulley on it? You can't let those go to far...when they start to get bad you will start peelin belts...then if the bushing walks you'll tear up the gear case..then the bill gets a lil larger...

As far as turning up the road long as you have the ecm passwords...any shop who has Insite on there laptop can turn that parameter up to where ever you want it...without the password...things are a lil more pricy...we would have to buy a Zap_It disc from cummins to burn the old passwords out of the ecm...and i forget how much those disc's run anymore. We do not have the capabilities at this shop to re-rate the horsepower level's on cummins requires a subscription to the ESDN any ecm re burns or re-rates - or updated software has to be sent to cummins down the street.

Remember something about the spring creek rescue...but its to damn far for me to drive to denver to hang out for a couple of hours...course i'd just get lost anyways being a phx boy. Lol.

As with any fuel mileage concern...air filters and fuel filters....when were they last replaced...air filter especially....never believe the restriction gauge. 2) what kinda boost is she showin on the gauge...25-30 psi...if not you could have a leak in your charge air cooler...and that would cost you some power...

Doug Wright aka K5NUTT over
Owner of
Certified K5 Nut
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