goodness gracious
Have you ever had this happen?
On Saturday I took the truck out of town to a car show and when leaving I noticed it was suddenly making a light grinding noise on my front passenger brake or wheel. I knew my brake pads were basically new but that's what it sounded like. I pulled over a couple times to touch the rotor and rim and they didn't seem any hotter. The next couple days I rode my motorcycle knowing I needed to check it out. Well today I needed to run to town so against my better judgement I fired her up and left. The noise was still there and almost seemed to come and go. Again I touched my rotor and rim with no obvious sign of damage or heat. I tried to tell myself it was just some rock or something and it would work its way out... Big mistake. Soon as I got home I pulled the wheel and found this... Definitely a first for me, has this happened to you?
Live and let live