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Old 05-18-2014, 12:01 PM   #1
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Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Indian Trail, N.C,
Posts: 864
Need some advice-New Crate motor

O.K. , I know this is not uncommon. I have seen this before, but I need some advice. My new crate motor has a with new Edelbrock intake with APR intake bolts, Fel-Pro gaskets, etc. The two center bolts on both sides are seeping oil up around the bolts. I used ARP thread sealer on all the bolts and carefully torqued the bolts. I really would like to stop this oil leak on an all new engine. Assuming (I know that's dangerous) the thread sealer is doing it's job, is it possible the the oil is seeping due to the holes in the intake. I am going to pull the bolts out tomorrow and clean the threads carefully and re-seal with the thread sealer. Would it help to put a small ring of RTV sealer just below the heads of the bolts or maybe add some SAE flatwashers? I have a new PCV valve on one valve cover and a new push-in breather on the other. Is there that much crankcase pressure to makes the leaks?
Eat it all up, Wear it out,
Use the last few drops,
Spend all you've got,
Late in life, you'll think of the things you didn't do, not the things you did. - Get out and experience life !
Robbie Robinson a.k.a. TobyArnot (Toe Bee or not toe bee)
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