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Old 05-19-2014, 11:44 AM   #3
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Re: Race track results

It has much more in it.. That was a super super safe set up set up.. No need to get mean with the truck at this point to many things that are unknown yet. Not to mention I am running stock shocks I bought from CCP for the 4 inch drop.. that are too short and at the top of the range when sitting static, ran 19 PSI of air pressure. Carb is a new AED super comp HO out the box jetting. 6 lbs fuel pressure HA HA . 32 base timing ( running off 7730 box). Hope to get the convertor out of the truck mid week and get it looser. Will see.. I am not unhappy you are right 7.3's not bad for a 4000 lb sled ?? test and tune take it one step at a time and make sure you can back up the data and changes. Shook the tires on the last pass at 2.97 secs into the run. I never lifted let it rehook I was amazed it did hook as the dot radial most times I am told will not hook back up. I was just about ready to pedal it and try to get back in it. But it shook then rehooked but it puled it down pretty hard.
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