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Old 05-19-2014, 11:18 PM   #5
Hand Crafted C-10
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Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Burien, WA
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Re: Got room for another Canuck?

Originally Posted by Johnny_Lamebridge View Post
Hi Everyone,
I want to say hello from Cambridge, Ontario, Canada. Growing up here, my friends and I referred to our town as "Lamebridge", because there wasn't much going on to keep us entertained. I'm a General Machinist/CNC Programmer.

For a while, I'd been looking for a C10 from the same year that I was born... 1963. I was planning a trip to Daytona for Bikeweek last March, when I came across this truck in Winter Park FL. I bought it, then drove it partway home. I ended up storing it in NC for a month & a half, until the rain washed away all of the roadsalt on our streets. I drove down a couple weekends ago and trailered it the rest of the way home.

Paperwork all done & plated, I've been having a blast this weekend driving all over.

I've been lurking here for a couple months, reading lots, and I'm impressed with the quality of the trucks I see. I haven't had a four-wheeled project in a long time so I'll be asking a lot of questions. Thanks in advance...
Hey, welcome to the board! Great looking truck (love the color!) and welcome to the truck addiction we all share here!

BTW--well done, waiting for the road crap to wash away, too. Poor old beasts have enough to contend with as it is.

Now that your a registered member, you can get into your regional area (blocked to lurkers for safety reasons)
and meet lots of your neighbors HERE!!

A very cool bunch of guys and, who knows, maybe a lot of neighbors you haven't even met!

Keep posting and more pictures are required!!

Ellen from Washington State, USA


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