Re: New guy with a 1964 GMC that knows nothing :)
Here is my educated guess. The original owner bought this truck to be a recreational vehicle. It has the tell tale signs of hauling a camper, large rear view mirrors, hooks on side of bed, add on extra fuel tank installed under bed( round hole cut out in front of right rear wheel ) and stabilizer bracket on front cowl near winshield. He ordered it as a 3/4 ton with automatic, power brakes steering, and the "Custom" option to make driving easier. Most trucks were not set up this way in 1964, most were set up with very few options (as cheap as possible to get the farm or business chore done).This was the mid 60's the beginning of the camper pickup boom in this country. My eye tells me the rear wheels are period aftermarket wide base one piece 16.5", can't tell the front wheels, picture not close enough, but wouldn't be surprised if the fronts were original multi-piece 15". As for specifics, it is model 1502, 3/4 ton wideside. Automatic is a 2 speed powerglide. Rear axle is Dana 60 with 4.10 ratio. Original color is either light green or Terrace Blue, can't tell with out a better shot of the original paint under hood area. Here is a '63 1502 (very similar except for wrap around windshield and different door design)back in the day doing what it was bought for(and correct '62-'66 GMC hood).