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Old 05-24-2014, 10:05 AM   #17
Old Truck Man
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Re: Car crushing in Montana

Originally Posted by mr48chev View Post
As Old Truck man so aptly said, all too many 'bargain hunters' won't pay what the scrapper will pay in cash green money and whine If you ask enough over that to make it worth you while to sell to them.

Add to that, when the yard owners or his decedents do hold an auction they all too often don't make an effort to present the majority of what should be decent sellers they way they should be. It doesn't take that much time and effort to clean out an area of the property to set the ones that should sell at decent prices out spaced out where people can see them and get around them without climbing over junk or wading through hip deep weeds. I know of one yard that the old fart that had it for 50 years wouldn't sell half
Lok at the picture of the olds. its is spaced out where you can walk around it and open all the doors. the goats & cow keep the weeds down. I placed a dozen cars that where at least 95% complete in a row mowed around them , washed them. took lots of pictures and listed them on Ebay a few years ago. $200 starting price no reserve. didn't get any Bids. Got some phone calls. folks wanted them to be in running driving cond for scrap price. One a 53 buick I eventually sold for $650 about 6 months ago. I scrapped 9 already I still have the olds and a 65 chev 4 door left out of the dozen. I pulled the engine & trans out of the chevy. sold the powerglide trans for $100.
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