Originally Posted by joedoh
"passion" and "interest", neither one folds like cash. I am pretty tired of the picker and pawn shows that teach people the myth a good starting price is half the asking price. Or when they ask "whats the lowest you will take?" I always ask whats the most you will pay?
Personally I think that those shows and the flipper shows are the bane of the whole auto enthusiast hobby as we have known it.
I pretty well bailed out of the hot rod and truck hobby about 12 years ago because every time I took the truck somewhere there was a stream of mouth breathing WWE tank top wearing clowns who only wanted to know "what's it worth?" Not how much did you chop it, how did you do the suicide doors, how many louvers do you have in that hood or what engine is in it? but they only wanted to ask what the cars and trucks on display were were worth because that is the only thing that interested them.
As I live on one of the main North South highways in the state I get a few would be pickers showing up every once in a while to see if they can make a deal on "those old trucks by the farm house in the hayfield'. I have had a few interesting conversations out in the driveway a time or two.
When I get the truck on the road again the thing I'd love to hear from some ten year old is "how fast does it go?" That would make my day.