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Old 05-25-2014, 01:31 PM   #958
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Re: Lurker OrrieG Progress Pics

Productive afternoon, sort of. Changed out the temp sensor and got it up to temperature, still not reading. changed out the connector is looked a little flaky but no change. Not up to pulling the bezel so ordered another temp gauge to match the trans and will build a single pod for the right side of the steering to match the left.

Trans temp fix worked, but the cooler really works well so it take a while to read.

Xfer case Hi-N-Lo would not shift. Turned in the hubs could not get loose. Finally resorted to the big hammer and knocked it loose. I think it was just a little stuck from sitting 15 years with no lube.

Trans cover drain bolt is leaking worse, I have fought it from day one. I am thinking there must be a hairline crack in the boss that I cannot see. One more try at sealing and if it still leaks will get a permanent plug heli arced on it or buy a new pan.

Tried to get some thin backing foam to do the upholstry at JoAnns but they did a coupon bait and switch at the register and tried to add back 20% to the total . Some folks would have paid the extra, I hit the door on principle leaving the clerk sputtering. Guess they are used to dealing with timid girls....
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