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Old 05-26-2014, 09:45 PM   #4
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Re: Need some electrical help for my 72 please.

I agree ... sounds like a short circuit burned out the fusible link that protects the red wire. And jumpering it will just lead to additional damage (the red wire should not get hot).

For troubleshooting purposes, I'd recommend temporarily connecting a test light in place of the burned out fusible link feeding the red wire. The resistance of the test light's bulb will limit the current flow through the short circuit to the point where it won't do additional damage to the wiring. And the light should go out once you locate & remove the short. Do this testing with the ignition switch off so there won't be any loads that would keep the test light on.

Since you said the red wire looks good, the short circuit could possibly be internal to the voltage regulator or alternator. Temporarily disconnecting them (while watching for the test light to go out) would be a quick and easy way to see if they're the source of the short.

As for that small black wire with the inline fuse, that goes to the "BATTERY" gauge. That won't keep the truck from starting/running. So concentrate on finding / repairing the short circuit and replacing the fusible link first.
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