Originally Posted by Bucks68
I say crank that sucker up and go for a ride!!! It really doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, it's your truck and your decision. Enjoy it! 
Originally Posted by rwade
Sound of the big block and a goo primmer. Let it rip, tater chip! My dad passed away 2.5 years ago at 65. He and I worked on my 72, he was as proud of it as I am. Good call on your part. Take care
Originally Posted by Low68
I like your plan and I would do the same thing. You should enjoy your truck. If that means priming it now and painting later to get the most enjoyment out of it, by all means do that. Good luck and I wish your parents the best!
Thanks guys I really appreciate it. My wife really put it in perspective yesterday when she asked me what matters more, my ego or enjoying the truck with my father. She was completely right.